Bodily lively jobs versus bodily exercise

Q: I have a very physical job as a stone mason, but it doesn’t seem to keep my weight or cholesterol down. Why should I still have to go to the gym when I’m dragging things and moving for hours every day? – Leon T., Pittsburgh

A: That’s a great question that applies to millions of people with jobs as diverse as firefighter, ballet dancer, and nurse. You might be interested to know that a Business Insider research assessed the time spent walking or running, the endurance and strength required for various jobs, and found that it was the most physically demanding job in them insists on being a dancer. Her job ranked 18th out of 27.

According to a new 10-year study in the European Heart Journal, increased physical demands from a job do not result in physical health, no matter how hard you work. The researchers found that people who were active at work increased their risk of cardiovascular problems and their risk of death by 13% (with high activity) and 27% (with very high activity) compared to people with lower levels Activity increased. It seems that people with physically demanding jobs are more likely to take it easy when they’re not on the clock. In addition, repeated heavy lifting increases blood pressure, and walking at work is rarely brisk enough to raise your heart rate. That leads to a less healthy lifestyle.

The study also showed that moderate, high, and very high leisure activities offer significant protection: the risk of death over those 10 years was reduced by 26%, 41% and 40%, respectively, compared to people with little free time. Time activity. So take a look at what you do after work, what’s close to your heart, and add pounds. Try recreational activities such as 30-minute interval hiking, yoga, or tai chi. And improve your diet. You know the exercise: more plants, no added sugar, less saturated fat and highly processed foods, and moderate alcohol consumption.

Dr. med. Mehmet Oz is the host of the “Dr. Oz Show”, and Dr. Mike Roizen is the Cleveland Clinic’s Chief Wellness Officer emeritus. Email your health and wellness questions to Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen at youdocsdaily (at sign)

(c) 2021 Michael Roizen, MD and Mehmet Oz, MD

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