Coming quickly: Thanksgiving on the Previous Economic system Village, craft present and extra round Sewickley

Thanksgiving Day in the Old Economy Village

The Old Economy Village has its annual Thanksgiving Day 10 am-4pm from October 2-3. The event celebrates the fall harvest and many of the tasks in preparation for winter. Artisans cook, bake, and demonstrate many different crafts and skills. There will be music, food and activities for the whole family. Admission to the event is the regular price. For more information, call 724-266-4500 or visit

Beth Samuel Jewish Center

Upcoming programs at the Beth Samuel Jewish Center include:

• Small Western PA Congregations present “The Development of the Hebrew Braille Sefer Torah” with Rabbi Lenny Sarko on Zoom on October 6th at 7pm.

• On October 12th at 7pm, BSBJ’s Book Club presents an author talk with Elisa Udaskin on her book “Be A Mensch: Unleash Your Power to Be Kind and Help Others” on Zoom.

If necessary, email for more information or Zoom login links.

Sewickley UMC lunch

Sewickley United Methodist Church, 337 Broad St., is hosting its popular monthly lunch in person or to take away on October 7th from 11 am to 12:30 pm in the church hall. The menu includes sandwiches, pulled pork or kielbasa with sauerkraut; Pierogi with onions and butter; homemade applesauce and carrot cake for $ 10. Call the church at 412-741-9430 for more information.

Business relationship in the greater Pittsburgh area

The Greater Pittsburgh Business Connection, a referral group of business people, will meet on October 6 at Eat N ‘Park on Route 60 in Robinson Township for breakfast from 7.15 am to 8.30 am. The speakers will be Joe Rozman from Rozman Human Resource Services and Kim Kernick from the Kernick Tire Center. To participate, become a member, or for more information, visit or call 412-364-6446 ext. 302

Craft show

Little Hill United Methodist Church, 2350 Magee Road Ext. In Sewickley / Franklin Park, will sponsor a craft fair from 9am to 3pm on October 9th. There will be lots of vendors, food and basket raffles.

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