Coronavirus vaccine months away for most people, says Dr. Rachel Levine – CBS Pittsburgh

By: KDKA-TV News Staff

HARRISBURG (KDKA) – When Pittsburgh health workers received some of the first doses of the coronavirus vaccine, Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine that it could be months before the general public is vaccinated. ”

Dr. Levine said in a virtual press conference Monday that it could be months – possibly spring through summer – before manufacturers can produce enough vaccines to immunize the general public.

“Damage control is now more important than ever, especially in these winter months. We still have to wear a mask, we have to wash our hands and we have to create social distance. And we need to continue these steps until the majority of the people in Pennsylvania have been vaccinated. “

The Pennsylvania vaccine distribution plan is divided into three phases.

Phase 1, where the supply of the vaccine is limited, focuses on people such as medical staff, first responders and those with risk conditions.

Phase 2, when large numbers of doses are available and supply is likely to meet demand, will consider individuals such as critical workers and those with “vaccine access challenges” for immunization.

In the final stage, when there is likely to be sufficient supply and declining demand, the general public can be vaccinated

You can read the full Pennsylvania vaccination schedule online.

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