Eagles are buried in sacred ceremony after nest collapse – CBS Pittsburgh

WESTMINSTER, Colo. (Colo.) – An eagle died in Colorado on Thursday after an old poplar tree was split in half and the nest collapsed. The eagle had just turned five weeks old and was beginning to stretch its wings, but it wasn’t expected to wing the nest until late summer. This was the only remaining bald eagle nest in Standley Lake Regional Park.

Eaglet “SL1” in nest with one parent on May 6, 2021. (Photo credit: Standley Lake Regional Park)

“Our hearts are heavy,” park officials wrote on Facebook. “We mourn with all of you today and understand how painful it was to watch the tragic events in this nest last year.”

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Officials say the winds weren’t strong at the time, but the tree was old – “mostly dead and decayed.”

Eaglet “SL1” in nest with one parent on May 13, 2021. (Photo credit: Standley Lake Regional Park)

The eagle, known as “SL1”, is being moved to the National Eagle Repository at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal.

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“The eagle will be cremated and buried with a sacred ceremony in a blessed tomb at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal and the National Wildlife Refuge,” officials said. “This page was created specifically for eagle burials by representatives of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes of Oklahoma, Oglala Lakota, and Southern Ute.”

Eaglet “SL1” in nest with one parent on May 7, 2021. (Photo credit: Standley Lake Regional Park)

Park staff members are working on a plan to restore a safe home for the adult eagles that remain in the area.

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Last month, a dead tree supporting a nest for a pair of bald eagles in Barr Lake State Park was discovered to have fallen – and the two unborn eagles were found dead, still curled up in their eggshells.

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