Methods to Lose Weight Achieve Throughout COVID Restrictions – CBS Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh (KDKA) – There’s no excuse for the weather. There is no longer any need for a mask. So it is finally time to work on “COVID-15” or 20 in some cases.
According to Levi’s, jeans sales are up 30%, as is size, as most Americans lock up a pound and a half a month.
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The hardest part can be getting started.
“We have to work harder to get more active and move,” said Dr. Marie Schaefer, a sports medicine specialist at the Cleveland Clinic.
She says the movement is only part of the formula.
“Reduces caloric intake and nutritional components,” she explains.
But it took her a year to wear it, so don’t expect it to fall overnight.
This is especially true when exercising.
“I think small incremental steps and changes are the most beneficial, the most intimidating, and the most sustainable,” says Dr. Shepherd. “You don’t have to be in the gym every day. You can do aerobic exercise outdoors, such as cycling, walking, or running outdoors. “
Dr. Schaefer adds that it helps you stay on top of things when you start a job.
“We also recommend using some type of fitness tracker that will help you understand how many steps you actually take in a day or how active you are,” she says. I’m going.
She also recommends staying at her pace to avoid injury and discouragement.
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The same principle applies to weight loss.
“Make sure you stop the trend diet. It’s very effective to lose weight quickly, but when you stop this diet people tend to put that weight back on, and sometimes even more. ”She explains.
Instead, she starts tracking what you eat and tells you to be honest.
“If you haven’t exercised in a while and take out the calorie counter to see exactly what calories you are consuming each day, you can cut calories by about 100% with a simple calculation. 500 meals a day. That can be achieved by combining diet and exercise, ”she says.
If you want to track your progress in non-scaling ways, try wearing pre-pandemic clothing, says Dr. Shepherd.
“It may sound ridiculous, but when you have the clothes you were wearing before the pandemic and you’re wearing them, you get biofeedback about where you are on your journey,” said Dr. Shepherd. Tell.
There is another important area that Dr. Schaefer cannot ignore.
There is no doubt that bans, rules, masks, work pressure and insecurity have been sacrificed.
“Our bodies were actually in a fight-or-flight or reaction scenario. Almost last year, elevated cortisol levels led to weight gain, ”she says. “It’s going to be really important to take some time during the day to really take care of yourself.”
Make everything you do achievable and sustainable.
Dr. Schaefer says trying to do it too quickly can be daunting.
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So take a small step and enjoy a small success.
Source Link How To Lose Weight During COVID Restrictions – CBS Pittsburghsburg
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