Music Highlight: “Highwire” by Honey Prism | Music | Pittsburgh

Photo by Victoria Miller

Honey prism

With sexy, echoing beats and passionate vocal performances, “Highwire” by Pittsburgh’s dream pop band Honey Prism is the perfect song to leave a sweet impression on. The band consists of Jeanean Naqvi (vocals / synths), Mike Hricik (bass / synths) and Chris Rowe (guitar / vocals).

With Naqvi’s vocals, the mood corresponds to what the title suggests. Naqvi’s voice rises to a new height during the chorus but is measured and even measured all over the body.

Like many dream pop songs, synths and guitars creep up like multi-legged creatures. It adds a hypnotic effect to the song and paired with unforgettable vocals this is sure to get under your skin.

The dark and moody lyrics only add to the mesmerizing feel of the song.

“I am a different species myself
Carefree on the dark side
If you only knew what happened to my heart
Will hit you like a landslide

I admit I saw no signs
Now watch me ignite this city
You know I always run in line
Find me on the tightrope

I will be my tightrope
I will be my tightrope
I will be my tightrope ”

The “high wire” balances the measured energy with the fat energy. At some point the sound becomes quieter, the synthesizer, guitar and vocals slowly return to high notes.

“Highwire” will officially be released on Friday September 3rd, the same day the band shows up. New location for government center for Helpin’Aht Fest 2021, a concert and fundraiser that provides the community with free instruments and equipment. Working and non-working instruments, microphones, cables, stands, mouthpieces, tongues, strings, and bows are acceptable even if they are not in the best condition.

Helpin’Aht Fest 2021 .. Friday, September 3rd, 7.30pm to 11pm. North Side, 715 East Street. $ 10 or donation.

Song Spotlight: “Highwire” by Honey Prism | Music | Pittsburgh

Source link song spotlight: “Highwire” by Honey Prism | Music | Pittsburgh

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