New York Mets-Pittsburgh Runs

Fourth hits. Jeff McNeil is leaving. JD Davis homers to midfield. Jeff McNeil scores. Dominic Smith flies into midfield to Bryan Reynolds. Michael Conforto called for strikes. James McCann lands on the flat infield, Ke’Bryan Hayes on John Nogowski.

2 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 0 on. Mets 2, pirates 0.

Mets sixth. Pete Alonso switches to shortstop. Jeff McNeil flies into right midfield to Gregory Polanco. JD Davis homers to right field. Pete Alonso meets. Dominic Smith doubles on the deep left midfield. Michael Conforto jumps onto Adam Frazier’s second base. James McCann is just before Kevin Newman.

2 runs, 3 hits, 0 errors, 1 left. Mets 4, pirates 0.

Meets the seventh. Luis Guillorme accesses mistakes. Field error by Ke’Bryan Hayes. Travis Blankenhorn pinches for Tylor Megill. Travis Blankenhorn doubles on the deep midfield. Luis Guillorme meets. Brandon Nimmo is leaving. Pete Alonso reaches for the flat infield at the choice of a field player. Brandon Nimmo second. Travis Blankenhorn is third. Jeff McNeil Singles on left field. Pete Alonso finishes second. Travis Blankenhorn scores. JD Davis makes a short stop. Jeff McNeil falls out second.

2 runs, 2 hits, 1 mistake, 1 left. Mets 6, pirates 0.

Eighth of the pirates. Bryan Reynolds leaves. Ben Gamel sings into the right field. Bryan Reynolds finished second. John Nogowski doubles on the left field. Ben Gamel is third. Bryan Reynolds meets. Gregory Polanco leaves. Jacob Stallings jumps to Jeff McNeil in the flat infield. Kevin Newman reaches the flat left field after choosing a field player Gregory Polanco falls out second. John Nogowski in third place. Ben Gamel meets. Wilmer Difo pinches for Kyle Crick. Wilmer Difo homers to right field. Kevin Newman meets. John Nogowski meets. Adam Frazier lands on flat right field, Pete Alonso on Aaron Loup.

5 runs, 3 hits, 0 errors, 0 left. Mets 6, pirates 5.

Meets the ninth. Brandon Nimmo comes into midfield. Pete Alonso lands on a flat infield, Kevin Newman on John Nogowski. Jeff McNeil called strikes. Kevin Pillar lands on the flat infield, Adam Frazier on John Nogowski.

1 run, 1 hit, 0 error, 0 on. Mets 7, pirates 5.

Pirates in ninth place. Ke’Bryan Hayes was unlucky. Bryan Reynolds leaves. Ke’Bryan Hayes comes in second. Ben Gamel strikes with a swing. John Nogowski sings in the flat infield. Bryan Reynolds finished second. Ke’Bryan Hayes is third. Gregory Polanco called strikes. Jacob Stallings homers to left field. Jared Oliva meets. Bryan Reynolds meets. Ke’Bryan Hayes meets.

4 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors, 0 left. Pirates 9, Mets 7.

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