Pittsburgh Man was named Custodian of the Yr in 2021

With over 70,000 votes, Cintas Corporation crowned Mike Heiry of North Allegheny Intermediate High School in Pittsburgh as Cintas Custodian of the year 2021.

Nearly 800 students congratulated the man they call “Mr. Heiry” on a surprise hybrid ceremony held virtually and in the school auditorium. He was celebrated with the drumline and marching band posters created by the student government organization.

“Whether it’s a role model or a safe and healthy environment for students, this competition celebrates the important – and often overlooked – role that custodians play in schools,” said Sean Mulcahey, marketing manager at Cintas, in an announcement by the Surprise award ceremony. “It is clear that Mike is a beloved member of the North Allegheny Intermediate Community and we are excited to honor Mike as this year’s Cintas Custodian of the year 2021.”

Heiry is constantly striving to create a clean and safe learning environment for students, faculty and staff. His optimistic energy and friendliness had a positive impact on the students and staff at North Allegheny Intermediate, earning him 20 percent of the competition’s votes for the 10 national finalists.

“This is an incredible achievement for Mr. Heiry and we are honored to have him recognized as the best administrator in the country,” said Marta Aebischer, vice president of marketing for Rubbermaid Commercial Products. “Year after year we are overwhelmed by the hard work and dedication these men and women put in every day, especially over the past year, to play a pivotal role [sic] Role on the front lines of the pandemic. ”

Heiry receives $ 10,000 cash award from Cintas, and his school receives $ 5,000 in products and services from Cintas and Rubbermaid Commercial Products, as well as a comprehensive training and development package from ISSA, The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association, valued at $ 20,000. Heiry is also enrolled by the Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), a division of ISSA, for the GBAC Fundamentals online course, which teaches cleaning professionals how to prepare, respond to, and recover from biorisks in all types of facilities .

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