Prantl’s Squirrel Hill Bakery has been closed by Allegheny County’s Well being Division – CBS Pittsburgh

By: KDKA-TV News Staff

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Prantl’s Bakery in Squirrel Hill has been closed by the Allegheny County Health Department for multiple violations.

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The health department says Prantl’s on Forbes Avenue closed last week because it was open without a health permit.

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Other violations include improperly holding food in the cold, inadequate disinfection of surfaces that come into contact with food, lack of hot water, and lack of hand basins in food handling areas.

The health department also says the bakery was doing construction prior to the plan’s approval and did not give advance notice or request a pre-operation inspection.

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If the closure order is removed, the Department of Health website will be updated.

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