Service companies supply native packages | Information

• Indiana County has received monies to assist with rent and utility payments for those who have been affected by COVID-19. The county has entered into an agreement with ICCAP to administer and deliver the services for the Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance Program. More information is available on the ICCAP Facebook page or call ICCAP at (724) 465-2657. There are specific eligibility requirements including 80 percent Average Median Income or lower. Applications can be completed on the on-line COMPASS Program, by calling ICCAP and providing information over the phone, by making an appointment with ICCAP to use their computers and/or obtain assistance with computers, by requesting a hard copy application be sent to your home, or by working with the Pittsburgh Food Bank’s SNAP Representative at (833) 822-7627 who will also enter the information into the COMPASS Program. Any questions about the program should be directed to ICCAP. ICCAP is also asking for assistance with a short survey to see what financial impact COVID-19 has had on households in Indiana County. The survey link can be found on their Facebook page.

• The CDC has developed a Vaccine Toolkit to help the community communicate vaccine information. To use and share the toolkit, visit virus/2019-ncov/vaccines/toolkits/community-organization.html.

• The REACH Partnership continues to disseminate information concerning COVID-19. A group of local community leaders formed Resources, Education, Announcements, Communication, Help — a collective voice and official source for news and information around emerging concerns and opportunities for the citizens of Indiana County. The concept evolved from the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force spearheaded by the Indiana County Board of Commissioners. The first countywide concern REACH is addressing is the impact of COVID-19 on Indiana County residents. For information, visit; on Facebook at https://www.face -106736077930704/ and on Twitter at IndianaReach.

• The Family Promise store, “Beyond Shelter,” is open and serving consumers. This store provides low-income and underemployed individuals an opportunity to purchase non-food items for a reduced price so they can use their cash resources to pay their rent and utilities, therefore aiding their ability to maintain independent living. Call (724) 464-5220 or email to check eligibility, see what you need to bring to your first visit, register for the program, learn the process and the hours of operation.

• Indiana Borough launched the “Together Indiana” Outreach Campaign to provide a unifying voice for community members working together to combat the coronavirus. For more information, visit

The Open Door — Services are provided both on site and via telehealth on a case by case basis for both alcohol and other drug services, as well as gambling addiction services. In such a time of uncertainty, The Open Door wants everyone to know they are available 24/7 to assist with getting people into outpatient or inpatient treatment services. For more information, call (724) 465-2605.

The Open Door — Crisis is still responding to all mobiles when safe. However, they are not entering buildings or homes. They are meeting consumers outside or on a porch to maintain social distancing. They also have the ability to do remote and mobile assessments over the phone if needed for their or the clients’ safety. For more information, call (724) 465-2605.

The Open Door — Support groups are meeting at their own discretion. As this information changes periodically, call with questions. A list of tele or online meetings is available for those to safely connect with others for a meeting. For more information, call (724) 465-2605.

Indiana County Office of Planning and Development — The Housing Accessibility Program provides financial assistance in the form of a grant to Indiana County residents with permanent physical disabilities. The work performed will enable residents to maintain their independent living status by modifying their homes to accommodate their disability. Eligibility requirements must be met including income and homeownership guidelines.

There is a waiting list at this time for new applicants. For more information, call Tina Coleman at (724) 465-3872 and leave a message. Staff are working from home. They will return your call.

Indiana County Office of Planning and Development — The 55+ Roof and Furnace Replacement Program provides furnace replacements for inoperable or inefficient older furnaces that do not operate properly. To qualify, applicants must be age 55 and over, Senior homeowners, low-moderate income eligible (Section 8 Guidelines), current on property taxes or on an approved payment plan with Tax Claim. Wood burners, coal furnaces or outdoor furnaces will not be installed. Assessment of the home’s building envelope will be made upon inspection. Additional improvements may be made to aid the efficiency of the new furnace if funds are available. There is a waiting list at this time for new applicants. Call (724) 465-3872 and leave a voicemail. Staff are working from home. They will return your call.

Naloxone (Narcan) Training is offered by the Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission. Naloxone is a medication that can reverse an overdose caused by an opioid drug (i.e. prescription pain medication or heroin). It blocks the effects of opioids on the brain and restores breathing within two to eight minutes to prevent death. Anyone can obtain free Naloxone by completing training with a staff member. To schedule an appointment, call (724) 463-7860 in Indiana County, (724) 545-1614 in Armstrong County and (814) 226-6350 in Clarion County.

• The Salvation Army Food Pantry is held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. The pantry is open to the public, but appointments are required. No walk-ins are permitted. Those attending must show photo identification. For more information, call (724) 465-2530.

• County residents can dial the 2-1-1 Helpline and be connected with a live operator 24 hours per day, seven days a week who can connect them with human services help. Share this number with family and friends who may not be sure where to turn for help with such things as emergency shelter, food banks, crisis intervention, childcare and other health and human service resources. For more information, visit

Aging Services, Inc. — Social Centers have resumed normal hours. Daily attendance is limited along with limited activities (fitness classes, craft classes and bingo). Congregate meals are provided. To attend a center, call and reserve a meal by noon the day before. Reservation times will be staggered to accommodate as many participants as possible. Takeout meals will be continued, and individuals must also call the day before by noon to reserve a meal. Those attending the center will be required to consent to a temperature and health screening and to follow handwashing, mask and social distancing protocols. Those who are ill are asked not to attend and must understand that if they are visibly ill, their entrance will be denied. For more information, call (724) 349-4500 or (800) 442-8016.

Aging Services, Inc. — Administrative Offices are open by appointment only. If anyone needs to see the Apprise counselor or a care manager, call first and make an appointment. For more information, call (724) 349-4500 or (800) 442-8016.

Aging Services, Inc. can help individuals request an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine if they do not have internet access. IRMC has limited vaccine available for Indiana County residents age 65 and over, established IRMC patients age 65 and over or health care workers. For assistance, call (724) 349-4500.

Aging Services, Inc. — The Armagh center is open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesdays with exercise classes from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. Congregate meals will be served at noon.

Call (724) 349-4500 the day before to order a meal. Transportation is available.

Aging Services, Inc. — The Aultman center is open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays with exercise classes from 10:30 to 11 a.m. Congregate meals will be served at noon. Call (724) 349-4500 the day before to order a meal. Transportation is available.

Aging Services, Inc. — The Mahoning Hills center is serving breakfast from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Mondays. For more information, call (724) 286-3099.

• The Creekside Area Food Pantry is available by appointment for residents of Creekside, Ernest, and Washington Township from 10 a.m. to noon the second Thursday of the month at Creekside United Methodist Church. For more information or an appointment, call (724) 463-0580.

• The Grace United Methodist Church Food Bank supplies fresh meat, produce, dairy and pantry items. For more information, call (724) 463-7530 and leave a message. Volunteers pick up messages from their homes, and calls are returned within 24 hours.

My Best Friend’s Closet, sponsored by Saltsburg United Methodist Church, is open from 9 a.m. to noon on the second Saturday of every other month February through September. It is closed October through January. They provide free, gently used clothing. To confirm dates, call (724) 639-9454.

Chevy Chase Community Center — Grab and Go Lunches, which take the place of the soup kitchen until further notice due to COVID-19. Free healthy balanced lunches are available through a pick-up window from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. Lunches are available to the community. Individuals will be asked to “sign in,” and lunches will only be given to those present at the window or in a vehicle. People will no longer be able to pick up for others.

For more information, call (724) 463-0674. During regular hours, those age 65 and older or healthcare workers can sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine if they need help.

Chevy Chase Community Center — The Gleaning Program is held from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. The program provides free bread, baked goods and grocery items donated by area merchants year-round for residents in need. For more information, call (724) 463-0674.

Chevy Chase Community Center — Meals 2 You, an outreach program of the Chevy Chase Community Center, serves home-cooked meals to people in Indiana Borough and White Township who are homebound, disabled or who cannot cook for themselves. There are no age restrictions. The cost is $5 per day. Volunteers deliver to an individual’s home. For more information, call Brandi Ports (client coordinator) at (412) 309-1494 or email

Chevy Chase Community Center — Small Diaper Bank is for people who need diapers. They can get diapers during their lunch time, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. For more information, call (724) 463-0674.

Chevy Chase Community Center — Small Dry Pet Food Bank is for people who need pet food. They can get pet food during their lunch time, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. For more information, call (724) 463-0674.

• The First United Methodist Church of Marion Center Clothing Closet is open by appointment only from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays. The closet provides free clothing. Masks are required. For an appointment or more information, call (724) 397-5517.

• The Jacksonville Presbyterian Church Clothing Closet in Kent is open from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the last Saturday of the month. The closet provides free clothing. The closet is closed November through February. For information, call (724) 479-8941.

Family Promise of Indiana County Financial Literacy Classes are now offered one-on-one virtually via Zoom. No group classes are offered at this time. Topics include: Wants vs. Needs, Tracking Spending Habits, Preparing a Budget, Living Within Your Means, Saving Money and Debt Repayment. The workshop is free. For information and registration, call (724) 464-5220 or email

• The Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission offers Small Games of Chance Training. Two options are available: For Liquor Licensees Only (entities that sell alcohol, not to be confused with the Special Occasion Permit); and the session for Non-Profit Organizations (featured segment on the rules and regulations of the Special Occasion Permit).

Both training options are free and offered several times in April. The trainer is Sergeant Shawn Fischer of Pennsylvania State Police Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement.

The American Red Cross — For information, call the Chestnut Ridge Chapter at (724) 834-6510 or the Indiana County Office at (724) 465-5678. If you are 16 years of age or older (16-year-olds must have parental permission), weigh at least 105 pounds and are in good health, you may donate blood every 56 days. For an appointment, call (800) RED-CROSS or visit

Call for next scheduled class, cost and registration information for all classes unless otherwise noted. Most classes require early registration.

• A Tobacco Cessation Course with one-on-one counseling is for those who have resolved to quit smoking. For information and to register, call the Excela Health Call Center at (877) 771-1234 or visit

• Your Changing Body for Girls is a workshop that addresses the emotional and physical changes of puberty, for girls ages 9 to 12 and their parents. The workshop is held monthly at Excela Health Westmoreland Hospital. For dates and times, call the Excela Health Call Center at (877) 771-1234 or visit

Well-Being Center Fitness Classes feature various types of yoga, interval training, strength and conditioning on an ongoing basis at various locations. For dates and times, call the Excela Health Call Center at (877) 771-1234 or visit

• A Breastfeeding Workshop is held by Indiana Regional Medical Center. Learn about feeding your baby, pumping and storing milk. Early registration is required. For more information, call (724) 357-7075. The workshop is being offered virtually at this time.

• A Childbirth Preparation Series is held by Indiana Regional Medical Center. The series is recommended for the 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. This four-part series is designed to prepare parents for giving birth. For more information, call (724) 357-7075.

The series is being offered virtually at this time.

Childbirth Weekend is held by Indiana Regional Medical Center. For more information, call (724) 357-7075. The series is being offered virtually at this time.

It’s Time for Me is held by Indiana Regional Medical Center at 10 a.m. every Tuesday of the month via Zoom. The self-guided virtual women’s group educates and engages on topics regarding mind, body and living to improve your health and well-being. For more information or to register, call (724) 427-2763.

Managing Your Diabetes is held by Indiana Regional Medical Center. For information, call (724) 357-7164.

Medical Fitness, held by Indiana Regional Medical Center, is a supervised, structured exercise program for inactive adults or those at risk for health problems. Any adult who wishes to improve their fitness level and/or health can attend. For more information, call (724) 357-8088.

New Born Basics, held by Indiana Regional Medical Center, is a workshop that focuses on getting to know your baby along with visits to the doctor, immunizations, bath-time, fussiness, safety, child care and infant nutrition. For cost and time of workshop, call (724) 357-7496. The workshop is being offered virtually at this time.

Recovery N’Motion classes are held by the Indiana County YMCA to promote long-term recovery from substance use disorders through exercise, nutrition, education, advocacy and recovery support services, resulting in healthier individuals, families and communities. Classes are held via Zoom from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. Thursdays. The course is free. For information and the Zoom link, call Desiree at (724) 762-2880.

• Adagio Health offers Smoke Free for Life classes virtually one hour per week for eight weeks. For information, contact Cortney at or call Quitline at (800) Quitnow.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, changes have occurred with many support groups. Please contact the agency/organization/group prior to going to a meeting to confirm it is still being offered and in which format. Some are suspended, some are virtual and some may still be meeting in person.

Nar-Anon Family Support Group, “Gardeners for Growth,” meets from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. Wednesdays at The Open Door, 665 Philadelphia St., Indiana. Have you been affected by a loved one’s addictive drug use? Share your experience with others. Find strength and hope and learn from one another on how to deal with the pain and heartbreak that comes with loving an addict. Visit or call (724) 388-0324 for meeting status at this time.

National Alzheimer’s Association Greater Pennsylvania Chapter gives referrals to meetings, services, agencies, etc. Online support is provided. Call (800) 272-3900 for information.

Parkinson’s Support Group meets at 2 p.m. on the last Thursday of the month at Saving Grace Church, Hospital Road, Indiana. The group provides support and information on how to access resources to assist those affected by Parkinson’s and operates in conjunction with the Parkinson’s Foundation of Western Pennsylvania. Meetings are open to individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s and their caregivers. Registration is not necessary. For more information, call Denise at (724) 388-6894 or Deb at (814) 421-3106.

Reach to Recovery, American Cancer Society, helps newly diagnosed breast cancer patients receive support, information and resources through visits and conversations with trained breast cancer survivors. For more information, call (800) 227-2345.

Real Moms meets at The Summit Church. The group of women strive to support other women who are navigating motherhood. For information, visit or call (724) 349-8180 for dates/times.

Indiana County Recovery Center is a faith-based Recovery Community Organization, providing strength-based Recovery Support Services to individuals, families and communities. They aim to put a face and voice on recovery and serve as a physical location where they can organize the local recovery community’s ability to care and give back. For information, call (724) 717-6492 or visit

Victims of Sexual Abuse/Domestic Violence/Other Violent Crimes is held by The Alice Paul House. Children and/or adults dealing with issues of sexual abuse or domestic violence can call (724) 349-4444 for support and information.

Weight Watchers offers virtual workshops. For more information, call (800) 651-6000 or visit There is a fee.

Bereavement Support Offered By Local Funeral Homes: Some offer specific support services to the families they serve; some offer support services to the general public; some offer meetings and others offer resources. Call to find out if their services can meet your needs.

— Bowser-Minich Bereavement Funeral Home, Indiana; call (724) 349-3100 or (888) 923-5550

— C. Frederick Bowser Funeral Home, Homer City; call (724) 479-9422

— Curran Funeral Home, Saltsburg; call (724) 639-3911

— James F. Ferguson Funeral Home, Blairsville; call (724) 459-7611

— John A. Lefdahl Funeral Home, Indiana; call (724) 463-4499

— McCabe – Roof Funeral Home, Clymer; call (724) 254-2555

— Rairigh-Bence Funeral Home, Indiana, call (724) 349-2000; Clymer, call (724) 254-4342

— Rairigh Funeral Home, Hillsdale; call (814) 743-6833

— Richard Shoemaker Funeral, Blairsville; call (724) 459-9115

— Richard C. Stewart Funeral Home, Armagh; call (814) 446-6699

— Robinson-Lytle, Inc. Funeral Home, Indiana; call (724) 349-9700

Excela Health Adult Grief Support Group is offered in six-week sessions. Dates and locations vary. For information, call the Excela Health Call Center at (877) 771-1234.

Excela Health Cancer Grief Support Group is offered from 2:30 to 4 p.m. every Thursday at Our Club House, 4893 Route 30 East, Greensburg. For information, call the Excela Health Call Center at (877) 771-1234.

Healing Hearts Infant Bereavement Support Group is held from 7 to 9 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at 5450 Second Ave., Pittsburgh. For information, email Due to COVID-19, all meetings are virtual for the foreseeable future.

Hopeful Hearts, a service of the VNA of Indiana County, is a child-focused, family bereavement support center. Hopeful Hearts provides peer support at no cost for all family members when someone close to the family has died. Families meet in the evenings every second and fourth Tuesdays of the month September through May in a safe, caring and confidential environment.

For information about this program, volunteer opportunities or to see if services are provided in person or virtual, call (724) 463-6340.

Indiana Regional Medical Center Bereavement Services are held in the Obstetric Unit for those suffering a neo-natal loss/miscarriage/tubal pregnancy. Trained Counselors provide counseling and support via phone or from information on their Facebook Page. For information, call (724)357-7060.

Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR) of Western Pennsylvania holds Embracing Grief meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first and third Mondays of the month the Bolivar Community Center, 736 Lincoln St., Bolivar. The meetings are currently being held virtually. The support group is for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. For information, call or text Becky at (724) 388-1124.

Pennsylvania Tears Foundation Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group meets virtually from 7 to 8 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month. The group is for everyone who has suffered the loss of a baby. Anyone is welcome to attend no matter how long ago your loss occurred. For more information, call (724) 961-9489 or visit

Visiting Nurse Association Family Hospice Coping with Loss Support Groups have resumed at Seventh Day Adventist Church, 1496 Indian Springs Road, White Township. Groups are open to all of those who are coping with grief and loss. Groups are free and open to the community. The afternoon group is held at 2 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month. For information, call Lori Parks at (724) 762-3642. The evening group is held for six consecutive sessions.

For dates, time and more information, call Janice Starry at (724) 463-8711.

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