The NASA rocket launch needs to be seen alongside the east coast on Saturday night time – CBS Pittsburgh
TO UPDATE – NASA is postponing the launch of the KiNET-X rocket from its Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia due to the weather. The start was originally planned for Friday evening, but was postponed to Saturday, May 8th at 8:02 p.m. at the earliest
The launch would be visible for much of the east coast on a clear day, but KDKA meteorologist Ray Petelin says visibility conditions in Pittsburgh are questionable.
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If the weather cooperates, we will see it 30 to 60 seconds after the start. The start window is 40 minutes. The back-up launch days run until May 16, so stay tuned!
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Hey, what’s that thing in the sky? A bird, an airplane? No, it’s a missile!
It’s not every day that you get the chance to see a NASA rocket race across the Atlantic, but this Friday night could be your shot exactly!
NASA will launch a “Black Brant XII Sounding Rocket” from its Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia this Friday at 7:58 pm. When the sky is clear, the start should be visible up and down the east coast for people.
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Let’s step back a little. . . What exactly is this rocket launch about? Let’s get geeky for a minute.
The mission is called KiNet-X and the goal is to investigate how energy and momentum are transported between regions of space that are magnetically connected. . . simple stuff you know
This study will help scientists better understand things like aurors and how they are formed and how they move from place to place.
To investigate this, the missile will release barium vapor at an altitude of over 200 miles north of Bermuda approximately 9-10 minutes after the start of the flight. Don’t worry, this vapor is not harmful to the environment or the public. In fact, it’s probably not even visible to the human eye. However, NASA will investigate this vapor release using all kinds of diagnostic instruments on board the rocket. NASA calls this “a very simple experiment. . . This allows us to quantify the flow of energy to electrons. “Typical day in the office.
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If the weather itself interrupts and aborts the start (possible), several further start windows will run until May 16. We will keep you posted!
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