Weight reduction maintainers sit greater than overweight and weight-stable folks

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According to a paper published online, people who successfully maintain weight loss spend less time sitting on weekdays and weekends than those who are obese and have a stable weight. obesity.. This is the first study to look at the time spent on various sitting activities among weight loss maintainers.

Earlier 2006 studies in the National Weight Control Registry showed that weight loss maintainers watched TV significantly less than controls, but other sitting activities were not investigated. Hmm. In the current study, weight loss maintainers were not significantly different from the weekly sitting time controls reported to be watching TV, but non-work-related time using a computer or video game. The time spent on was different.

Differences between current and National Weight Control Registry findings may reflect changes in available electronic devices over the last 15 years, including increased availability of computers and video games. Weight loss maintainers and controls also did not make a big difference in the amount of time they spend sitting while reading, studying, or traveling. Or talk, text message and socialize. These can be seen as more mentally active forms of sedentary behavior.

“We hope that the results of this study will facilitate future weight maintenance intervention studies that test the effects and optimal approaches of sedentary behavior, including the use of non-work-related computers and video games. Should include an objective measure of sedentary behavior and activity, “Susanne said. Ferran of the Faculty of Kinematics and Public Health and Health Research Center at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo. Ferran is the corresponding author of the study.

Participants in the study included 4,305 weight loss maintainers (formerly weight watchers) from WW. >> >>Weight loss of 9.1 kg in 3.3 years (average 24.7 kg), average current BMI is 27.6 kg / m2.. The average BMI for a group of obese, weight-stable individuals was 38.9 kg / m.2.. A Multicontext Sitting Time and Paffenbarger physical activity questionnaire was conducted to collect data.

The results showed that obese weight loss maintainers vs. weight stabilizers were sitting 3 hours less per day on weekdays (10.9 vs. 13.9) and weekends (9.7 vs. 12.6). Weight loss maintainers also use a computer to sit unrelated to work or play video games on weekdays (1.4 vs 2.3) and weekends (1.5 vs 2.5) 1 hour a day compared to controls I spent less. There was no significant difference between weight loss maintainers and obese weight stabilizers in the number of televisions and sedentary facilitators in the home (15.8 vs. 14.8). Weight loss maintainers burned significantly more calories per week for physical activity (1,835 vs. 785).

“These findings are important for understanding behaviors that may enhance maintaining weight loss, one of which may be to reduce sitting time and other modes of sedentary behavior. However, this study also showed that physical activity was associated with improved maintenance of weight loss. Therefore, this study found that standing alone rather than sitting was responsible for maintaining weight loss. It does not mean that it contributes to, but it may suggest that less sitting, which leads to more movement, is the key to maintaining weight loss. FTOS, a prominent professor, and director of the Institute for Healthy Lifestyle and Physical Activity and Weight Management Research at Pittsburgh University in Pennsylvania said. Jakicic had nothing to do with research.

Other authors of this study include James Roake, Noemi Alarcon, Sarah Keadle and Health Research Center of the Department of Kinematics and Public Health at the California Institute of Technology in San Luis Obispo. Chad Rethorst from Texas A & MAgrilife in Dallas, Texas, and WW International, Inc. from New York. Gary Foster of the University of Pennsylvania and the Center for Weight and Eating Disorders at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman Medical College also co-authored the study.

A paper entitled “Sitting Times, Types, and Situations Among Long-Term Weight Loss Maintainers” will be published in print in June 2021.

Studies show that exercise is more important than diet to maintain weight loss

For more information:
“Sitting time, type, and context between long-term weight loss maintainers”, onlinelibrary.wiley.com / doi / 10.1002 / oby.23148

Provided by Japan Society for the Study of Obesity

Quote: Weight Loss Maintainer Obtained From https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-05-weight-loss-weight-stable-people-obesity May 24, 2021 Obese Weight Stable Sitting more than a person (May 24, 2021) .html

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