When the decision was reached within the Derek Chauvin case, district supervisor, entrepreneurs are making ready for doable demonstrations – WPXI

PITTSBURGH – After a verdict in the Derrick Chauvin Trial, district leaders and business owners plan peaceful protests.

Almost a year ago a peaceful protest turned into destruction. Corporations were damaged and looted, and city leaders blamed outsiders who said they had raided a movement.

But today there is a whole different tone in downtown Pittsburgh. Entrepreneurs don’t want to think about the violence of the past.

“I don’t think it will happen again. I don’t think they’ll hurt me again, ”said David Kashi, owner of Kashi Jewelry.

Last year the window was broken and jewelry stolen. Kashi has no plans to shut down if things get violent again, but neither does he think it will.

“Peace and happiness for all,” he said. “We just want to be good with everyone and everyone in order to be at peace.”

Other business owners said they are focused on healing and spreading love, and district leaders say they are working with numerous agencies to prepare for it.

“There has obviously been an increased awareness of what could possibly happen in the sheriff’s division, which works with the State Police and National Guard,” said Rich Fitzgerald, executive of Allegheny County.

But Fitzgerald said they hope these resources will not have to be used up.

“Ninety percent maybe more than the protests that took place last year. I think there were over 100 who were peaceful and well organized, but obviously there have been some incidents, ”he said. “If they cross the line into vandalism of property or destruction or any form of violence against people, they will be prosecuted and treated differently.”

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