Ebook a getaway with the brand new Merriment Social dinner huts

We could all use an escape – and if that escape comes with good food, it’s even better. Find this at Merriment Social, 240 E. Pittsburgh Ave., with the new Walker’s Point restaurant dinner huts.

Merriment Social’s dinner huts, which are open on Friday and run through the remainder of the winter months, offer private Northwoods-style dining experiences and food and drink in a heated, securely cleaned and locked greenhouse with an Up North flair. The rental reserves the space for 90 minutes for up to six guests. The full range of drinks and special cocktails can be pre-ordered.

Reservations require one of Merriment Social’s grocery packages, which range from a date night for two to a sampler for the dinner club and even a brunch. The latter two are suitable for groups of four to six people. The menus include:

Date Night Package (for two people)

  • Crab cake with lemon aioli
  • crab cocktail
  • Beef fillet
  • 50-50 potatoes
  • Creamed spinach
  • Horseradish cream
  • Grasshopper pie

Dinner Club Package (for four to six people)

  • Prime Rib Slider
  • Fried cheese curds with ranch
  • Soft pretzels with beer cheese
  • Smoked Salmon Russian Eggs
  • crab cocktail
  • Tortilla chips with a seven-layer dip
  • Lil ‘Relish tray
  • Homemade Cookies

Brunch package (for four to six people)

  • Two breakfast pizzas (topped with sausage sauce, scrambled eggs, curd cheese, fontina and chives) from Flourchild
  • Avocado toast
  • Bottomless bloodies and mimosas
  • Cinnamon rolls

Reservations for the dinner huts can be made through Tock. There, guests will also find further information on the rules and safety aspects. Merriment Social also offers roadside, delivery and dinner options that open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5pm to 9pm, Fridays from 5pm to 10pm, Saturdays from 10am to 2pm for brunch, and from 5pm to 10pm for dinner, and Sundays from 5pm to 10pm Open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for brunch and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. for dinner.

More private, securely isolated dining and drinking options in tents, yurts and much more in the city can be found here.

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