Meals Podcast: Meals Financial institution prepares for the busy Thanksgiving season

The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank talks about Turkey in this episode of the food podcast presented by the Clearview Federal Credit Union on the TribLIVE podcast network.

Thanksgiving is the busiest time of year for the food bank.

“Imagine struggling to bring food to the table at any time of the year and then you have the added pressure of creating this fabulous meal for your family,” said Charlese Hayden McKinney, director of the Partner Network Program.

The holiday is such a big endeavor for the Food Bank that the springtime staff start prep and work with suppliers and organizations to ensure a Thanksgiving meal is available to every family.

“Last year we met a mother of three who worked in a restaurant and closed the restaurant. She turned to us and said, ‘How can I tell my kids that we might not have Thanksgiving this year and we might not have turkey this year?’ “Said Hayden McKinney.

The Food Bank was able to hook this woman up on one of their Thanksgiving programs for a full Christmas dinner.

In fact, the Food Bank is making two massive efforts to ensure every family has a turkey dinner this month.

One is a series of special turkey drive-up distributions where families can reserve a turkey and box of Thanksgiving items and pick them up this month.

“In addition to our normally scheduled meal distributions, we’re running five large turkey distributions this year where guests are given a turkey and a roughly £ 20 box of sides,” said Erin Kelly, director of innovation and sales programs.

This year, the Food Bank is facilitating the distribution of 2,400 turkeys and over 4,000 Thanksgiving boxes with all the sides necessary to prepare a full Thanksgiving meal. Both the Riverhounds and Clearview Federal Credit Union are sponsoring turkey distribution this year.

The second major initiative is the KDKA Turkey Fund, which directly supports families who already need food aid.

“We’re turning these donations into $ 20 gift certificates. These gift cards are given to our partners, including our pantries, and they give the gift cards to families in the pantries, ”said Hayden McKinney.

McKinney explains that the gift cards are primarily used to buy turkeys, but also allow people with dietary restrictions to choose a different meat or item for Thanksgiving.

This year, the Food Bank, in collaboration with PNC and KDKA-TV, expects to provide over 36,000 families with certificates for turkey and Thanksgiving meals.

To donate to the Turkey Fund you can:

1. Take your donation to any PNC branch

2. Send KDTURKEY to 50155

3. Mail check to: KDKA Turkey Fund, PO Box Thanks, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230

4. Donate by clicking here to donate on the Food Bank website.

To make a reservation for one of the Food Bank’s turkey distributions, visit

Listen: Food Bank is getting ready for the busy Thanksgiving season

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