Overwhelming vaccine necessities are hindering every day pharmacy workflow – CBS Pittsburgh
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Vaccine dealers continue to be inundated with inquiries about the COVID-19 shot.
In particular, local pharmacies have systems in place to organize the thousands of people who sign up for a vaccine, often using online forms or email. Some of these pharmacies say the scramble for the vaccine is gradually affecting daily workflow.
Individuals who call Bushy Run Pharmacy in Harrison City will immediately hear an automated message asking them to be placed on the vaccine waiting list via email. Even so, pharmacist Jack Moschgat says vaccine calls are still getting to staff.
“Sometimes three or four lines ring at the same time,” he said. “Sometimes there are only three people here.”
Depending on the day, this can have a significant impact on the workflow, according to Moschgat.
“Especially when you have to spend a few minutes on the phone to explain things, it always gets a bit slower,” said Moschgat.
For Spartan Pharmacy in the South Hills, the number of calls meant the phones were turned off.
In a Facebook post on Wednesday, the local chain said: “We are turning off incoming calls due to overwhelming COVID-19 calls. We cannot respond to calls and still operate the pharmacy. ”
Customers calling for prescriptions are asked to send an SMS to the pharmacy’s prescription line or leave a voicemail.
While pharmacies are asking the public to follow the correct registration steps, they are also asking about the public’s time.
“If you’re trying to process 600 cans a day, people have to do everything,” said Moschgat.
With limited resources and multiple clinics per week, some independent pharmacies are seeking volunteers. Bushy Run is asking volunteers to help accommodate, plan, and control the crowd at its COVID-19 vaccination clinics.
Interested parties should email their name and phone number to Volunteer@Mainlinerx.com.
Spartan Pharmacy asked for food and drink to prepare more clinics. In a Facebook post on Thursday afternoon, the pharmacy asked for donated snacks, coffee and drinks for a Saturday clinic.
Within three hours, the pharmacy announced that it had more than enough donations, but said if people are interested in donating to future clinics they can email them info@spartanpharmacy.com.
To sign up for a Bushy Run vaccination clinic, send an email COVID@mainlinerx.com with your name, age, occupation, health status and telephone number.
If places are available at a clinic through Spartan Pharmacy, people can book here on the website.
Updates are available on the Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/spartanpharmacy
None of the pharmacies take calls for COVID-19 vaccine requests. Clinics for both pharmacies are only available by appointment.
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