Parler ducked as Trump searches for a brand new on-line megaphone on enterprise information

In a statement on Friday, Trump said, “We have been negotiating with various other locations and will soon get a big announcement as we also look into opportunities to build our own platform in the near future.”

Gab is another potential landing site for Trump. But it has had problems with internet hosting as well. Google and Apple booted it from their app stores in 2017 and it became homeless on the internet for some time the following year as anti-Semitic contributions were attributed to the man accused of killing 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue. Microsoft has also canceled a web hosting contract.

Online language experts expect that social media companies run by Facebook, Twitter and Google’s YouTube will police hate speech and incitement more strongly after the uprising in the Capitol, as Western democracies under the leadership of Nazi-ravaged Germany are already doing.

David Kaye, professor of law at the University of California-Irvine and former UN Special Rapporteur on Free Speech, believes that the world’s parlers, as well as the little-known places that seem to be more pre-inaugural disruption, are facing public pressure and of law enforcement agencies will be organized. These include MeWe, Wimkin, and Stormfront. This emerges from a report released on Saturday by The Alethea Group that tracks disinformation.

Kaye dismisses arguments from U.S. Conservatives, including former UN Ambassador to the President, Nikki Haley, that the Trump ban devastated the first amendment that bans the government from restricting free speech. “Silencing people, let alone the President of the United States, is happening in China, not our country,” Haley tweeted.

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