The instructor reads to the scholars from the hospital the day after the operation
Just one day after brain surgery, a dedicated Pennsylvania teacher read a bedtime story to her students on Facebook Live.
WTAE reports that KD Meucci, a fourth grade teacher at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, learned this month that she had a brain tumor.
Last week, Meucci had surgery to remove the mass she said was “likely benign” and is now recovering, according to news channel Pittsburgh TV.
The day after her surgery, Meucci returned to what she loves: reading to her students. From her hospital bed, the teacher read a book to children in her closed Facebook group, Franklin Bedtime Stories.
“Sorry if I look a little weird, I know I look a little weird. I have this black eye right here because they cut my head open again to remove my brain tumor, ”she explained.
She took the opportunity to reassure her students that she would be back at school as soon as possible.
“Most of all, I wanted to see you to see that I was fine. I look a little unconventional, but I wanted you to see and know that I’m fine, ”she said.
Meucci said doctors believe they will be able to get the entire tumor and that she will continue to recover, reports WTAE.
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